New site for a carpenter

after some initial difficulties I have finished the website. It is only a small website, which serves for the carpenter image promotion. During my work I took advice from the tutorial pages of Eldar as well as watching the videos of Blocs. Everywhere I could find solutions to my problems. I am satisfied with the solution.


When I read your post I was almost expecting to see something really amateur, but it actually looks very good.

One strange point is that the headers look good on the first two pages, but then strangely appear rather small on other pages when viewed as mobile. This is most evident on this page Projekte

When you have titles like Möbel/Küchen/Ladenbau/Praxen zum Leben und Arbeiten I would suggest putting spaces around the / so that the words can be broken down to fit more neatly on mobile.

Hi! Good first website!
What surprises me a bit is that you have a cookie message built in, even though your site doesn’t use cookies at all. I always try to build the websites without cookies so I can avoid the cookie banner.

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If you look closely, the message actually says that the website doesn’t use cookies :cookie: at all :smile:

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Been visited already by the Cookie Monster. And he ate them all.



Tolle Seite! Gefällt mir.

Ich würde dir aber raten noch ein SSL Zertifikat zu organisieren, damit in der Adresszeile nicht mehr steht “Die Seite ist nicht sicher”.

Das kannst du normalerweise bei deinem webspace Anbieter.

Viele GrĂĽĂźe

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Very nice. I like the clean images!

Rich the Weather Guy

Hello Flashman,
thank you for your advice! Will change it.


I always include the banner to be sure to comply with the privacy policy.

That doesn’t make a lot of sense when you create your own privacy policy.

To put this in very simple terms: If your site is not using cookies you do no need a cookie banner.

This is one of my favourite websites on the internet and they are using cookies.