NEW UPDATE: Flexy Foot 2 v1.0.1

What New in v1.0.1?

Let’s make better websites for everyone, together!
This update makes enhancements that might not be for you, but they make a world of difference for someone else.

  • Accessibility: Reveal Footer Focus
    This feature enhances the user experience when navigating with assistive technologies, such as a keyboard. If a user focuses on a link within the footer while the ‘Reveal’ behaviour is active, the webpage will automatically scroll to bring the footer into view. This ensures that users can always see the content they’re interacting with.

  • Smart Revision
    First introduced during an update to our Offcanvas Helper bric. Smart Revision allows new features to be added to the markup without loosing your settings. Just making life that little bit easier.

How to Update to v1.0.1

The usual method through the Blocs extension manager. Or download through Gumroad.

Want to learn more about Flexy 2?

Visit our website



For those interested in the reasoning behind this enhancement, here’s a bit of context.

Reveal footers are technically already within the viewport; they’re just hidden behind other content. This means that when you tab through links and reach those in the footer, the page doesn’t automatically scroll to reveal them, as it does with other links. Consequently, the footer links can remain hidden, even when they’re in focus.

This enhancement addresses that issue. Now, when a footer link comes into focus, the page will automatically scroll up to reveal it. It’s a small tweak, but one that significantly improves the user experience when navigating with the keyboard. :smiley:


Pete did it again!!! Great update!!!

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