NEW Website Hairapartment - update-

But that is the cookie bric from bric store…

I know that bric but don’t like it. I don’t like the flag.

the minimalist flag when you choose ok?

Do you want to make it disapear after ok?

If so you just need to go to css cookie consent.min.css and edit the first row when you have this code:

.cc-window{opacity:1;transition:opacity 1s ease}{opacity:0}{transition:transform 1s ease}{transform:translateY(-2em)}{transform:translateY(2em)},,.cc-revoke:hover{transform:translateY(0)}.cc-grower{max-height:0;overflow:hidden;transition:max-height 1s}

And change this from {transform:translateY(2em) to this {transform:translateY(20em)

It really works. But …
When you make a change in the project and export it the cookieconsent.min.css file will be overwritten. Then you have to change it again.
But thanks Pealco anyway.
(EDIT): seems not to work on mobile.

If you really want to make that change to all your projects (I don’t recommend, as your costumers could like it, I like it) you can go here:

~/Library/Application Support/Blocs 3/brics/Cookie Consent

And change the css directly and all your projects could have that change.

Thanks Pealco I changed it directly.
But it is still visible on mobile phones which is extremely annoying.
Flashman and I found that in this thread.