Hi Pete,
Did you ever develop the bric for making newspaper style columns?
If It’s just 3 flowing columns of text, titles and images you need, It’s just a div bric > Heading and paragraph and image brics inside in any order you like.
Set the div bric “Type” to “Masonry”.
Good post - but how do you get the text to flow from one column to the other? Mine seems to be contained in a single text box which just expands.
If there is enough interest, I’ll finish up the Bric and release it, which would give users a lot of easy to implement options. Some of the post likes are rather telling anyway.
Please do so.
I tried doobox’ suggestion with the masonry div which is OK.
But more styling with an extra bric would be great.
It’s a yes from me @PeteSharp, I can see lots of uses for it.
Any chance of purchasing it?
Count me in - definite purchase.
What’s there to style other than what you already do when you use bootstrap or custom classes? Bit more work than using a Bric I guess?
Plus, I don’t really see the benefit of reading on a webpage in a newspaper style unless… I am on a newspaper website.
@doobox Thanks for the suggestion of using masonry for the div. Haven’t thought about that.
There are several things actually when it comes to content flow rules, the handling or widows and orphans with-in content flow and rules (dividers), setting the way certain elements you add behave in that flow from full span and avoids. Column count and width. My bric gives you the option of defining all of those, or keeping it on Smart Auto, which is optimised for most content.
Now styling in regards to cosmetics, yes use custom classes etc. The Column Flow bric is more for layout control.
This isn’t just for newspapers, it’s easily used in a lot of modern design structures. Don’t get caught out by the newspaper word.
If it’s not for you, then great.
Hi Pete! Do you also use the CSS hyphens Property in that bric?
I currently have a customer who insists on justified text. I advised him against it because it’s not ideal for websites due to the different display sizes, but with css hyphens it works relatively well anyway.
'cause I’m a lazy bu …
Awesome! Thanks for providing that solution that doesn’t need a bric!
Hey @wolfganghofer
Good idea, it’s already out for testing, but I’ll add it in. Nice to have options