Off Canvas Helper

As most are aware, I am neither a web programmer, nor a web designer.
I am just a regular guy. :smiley:
If you have not purchased the excellent “Off Canvas Helper” bric, you really should.
I was able to create an Off Canvas menu fairly quick and easy. The options to modify your creation are great.
I watched the excellent training videos Pete has posted at Blocs Builder and was able to easily create an off canvas menu. I can see many uses for this great tool and I would encourage others to take a look. Especially if you are not a regular web developer, like me.
I have nothing to share, site-wise, at the moment, I am programming a site for a friend of my son, but when I do I will post a link to it.

Just wanted to share how excellent this bric is to use!

Rich the Weather Guy


I totally agree

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I bought it days ago, impossible to install it ( ; I’ve put this in standby… Btw I intend to do a megamenu as Affinity then as the vid support (I agree vids are very good, and very easy and pleasant to understand for me as non fluent english spoken).

Thank you Rich (@WeatherguyNH) for your kind words, and also to @Bootsie much appreciated,

I look forward to seeing what you build with it Rich :smile:

I need to update the video with the overview video for OH2 :joy: - more options and flexible.

@3RIC not impossible to install at all. You will need to translate that window though to english. OH is one of my most popular Brics, and I haven’t heard anyone say they have had trouble installing it. :man_shrugging:


Hi Pete:

You should be complimented for giving us such a terrific tool to put in our Blocs quiver.
I hope you have more in the pipeline, and I look forward to more videos showing us what we can use this bric for.
…and while I am at it, would love to see some active examples of others using this bric. Please share!!

I will share after I get further along with this current site build.

Thanks Pete!!

Rich the Weather Guy

I have a pipeline full of great stuff. But mostly on hold right now with other priorities to get out the door. :sweat_smile:

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The heck with that!!!
Get the brics out!! :smiley: :+1: :grin:

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Hi @PeteSharp ,
I never said the problem is from Offcanva, just that I can’t install it as you can see on the vid.
In fact I suppose it has to do with Blocs with indeed in parralel Blocs planting when CMD+O new/other project, something around restarting maybe (gonna report vid-screen to Norm).

Sure, if people want to pay $$$$ :laughing:

@WeatherguyNH is going to treat us all!
(sorry Rich :slight_smile: )

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Happy to give you some cash!!

Rich the Weather Guy

Wish I could!!!

:moneybag: :money_with_wings:

Rich the Weather Guy

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