Hello All
i am using happily the brics/blocs OFFCANVAS of @PeteSharp
and would like to have some advices on how to… (instead of question by email Pete I prefer to post here,and if someone find it later hope my question will help the community)
so I use the tutorial on how to “copy” the Affinity menu
everything went super well of course but would like to mod some points and cannot find anything on how to do it (maybe it is just something I missed)
So 1st image this is my navbar which is glass effect and not covering all width
image 2 this is when I click on it (totally normal behavior described on the tutorial)
image 3 this is what I would like to do
1/ the menu goes down with only the same width of the navbar
2/ menu has same glossy effect than navbar (I added css)
PS: @PeteSharp I saw on one of your video the NavPlus blocs/brics which I guess can help me to do what I would like to do maybe (or others effects that were great on video)
do you have any infos about this other awesome tool?
je suis très content du travail de @PeteSharp
j’ai tous ses brics/blocs et quand j’ai un soucis il est toujours là comme support
voir il me trouve des solutions, chronophages de son côté, sur des sujets qui ne sont pas liés aux produits de son shop
i continue here for another question
i don’t know if it is related to off canvas or on a behavior from BLOCS (didnt find anything)
So I have a sticky navbar
I would like to have the website opening to the navbar ON the hero part
meaning the hero part full of the screen and navbar on top
here what I would like to achieve
just did it by making topbar: FIXED with edge on both side 0
the problem I had the navbar which appears ONLY starting to scroll not directly on the hero page
to solve it I have to add 1 to z index (I don’t know why)
then the problem was with off canvas menu which was not ok anymore in term of Z index
I tried to change it z index off canvas or sticky nav z index but nothing
so I had to change the offcavans body classes to relative and edge top 75 px