Owl Carousel updates

Hi everyone, today I’m updating Owl Carousel to version 1.2.1. Most relevant changes are an improvement to the lightbox integration and slides indexing. Here’s the list of all changes so far: https://weaverskingdom.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360007580412-Changelog

Follow the instructions here on how to update your Owl Carousel: https://weaverskingdom.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360002106971-How-to-update

In case your carousel stop working after the update:

  • remove all Owl Carousel files from the page at Page Settings > Header Attachments

  • add a new instance of the Owl Carousel to the page and delete it again. This is cause the new files to be added to the Header once more.



This zendesk is closed. Those that mean there is no support anymore for the Owl carousel?

Since the owl brick does not work for me on Blocs 4 with bootstrap 5!

The Owl Carousel project (not the bric) has been abandoned for some time. There won’t be any update to the source files.

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On another note, I think @Lucas rebranded. You should find a link via the Blocs Store.

Thanks @PeteSharp
Help desk is here: https://archetypon.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360007078652-Installation-and-getting-started

I get the owl to work. Maybe you can check why it says it’s not maybe compatible with this version of blocs and there’s an error in js. When you compile alljs in one file.

A note about combining js. It will always be a trial and error thing. There’s really no way to guarantee that combining .js will work in all situations. When it works great, but as a developer I can tell you it’s not going to be usable in all situations.

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Just bringing this old thread to light!!!

I have a small project where I put forward the scrollable gallery in Blocs and my client wanted it so it loops and not just stop and also the issues I have mentioned previously he does not like where the images even when set to the correct % still do not display the last image full size. (@Norm is there any tricks I can use to make this hold its full image size and also loop?)

So with this in mind - the old website I did for this project I used Owl Carousel and not used it in a long time. This is the bric from @Lucas that I used.

is there anything suggesting not to use it? - I have just tried it and it still works perfectly fine! and does all I want it to do and works smooth, loops and holds it image size. Just wondering why this all of a sudden stopped support and no longer available?

As mentioned in this thread.

The Owl Carousel 2 library (the most recent version) was abandoned by the developer, he wrote on his Github, the following…

Will it still work… possibly. But nothing is being updated or fixed, it is as it is, and may stop working.

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Thants @PeteSharp - so for this short term project will be ok as long as its working at the time of use, but use something else for long term projects. I will keep on my search !

I’ve just used it on a project (adding content to an existing site) and it’s set to only show 1 image at a time. Sometimes it works fine, other times (if the page is refreshed or revisited in the ‘session’) it displays all the images in the carousel at once, with no navigation.

…hence me asking for improvements to the ‘pre installed’ carousel bric on the 2024: New Features thread.

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