Pagelingo V1.1.0 is here! šŸ„³

:earth_africa: Website Translation, Simplified with Pagelingo! :rocket:

:handshake: Bridge language barriers and give a warm, personalized welcome to every visitor in their mother tongue. Integrated seamlessly with Google Translate, Pagelingo brings the worldā€™s languages - over 130 of them - right to your Blocs Website.

:hourglass_flowing_sand: Time is precious! Why waste it creating multi-language sites manually? With Pagelingo, itā€™s like having a 24/7 translator, ready to make your content globally resonant.

:hammer_and_wrench: Want control? You got it!
Keep certain terms untouched with easy exclusions using the ā€˜.notranslateā€™ class or the ā€˜translate=ā€œnoā€ā€™ HTML attribute.

Excluding Translation Bric.
Plus, thereā€™s a super handy ā€˜exclude a full pageā€™ Bric to conveniently have a whole page not translated at all, granting you even greater control over your siteā€™s content!

:moneybag: Think top-notch solutions come with hefty price tags? Think again! Adding Pagelingo is as light on the pocket as buying a Flat White with a chocolate chip cookie :cookie:.

:inbox_tray: Ready to experience the future of effortless website translation? Download Pagelingo from Gumroad and let your website speak the worldā€™s language! :globe_with_meridians::tada:

:mag: See Pagelingo Live! Witness the magic in real time here:


That demo is amazing @Jerry

This is an instant buy! (which I also did :star_struck: )


Thanks, @brechtryckaert.
I believe it turned out to be a little handy tool. Assuming you have your browser set to French so you see the magic happening directly! :grin: :fr:

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Itā€™s actually set to Dutch, so the magic was also there. Iā€™m based near Ghent.
Going to revamp my own site with it :wink:

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Lol, i should have done the whole website in Dutch! :joy: :netherlands:

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This is a no brainer! But somehow I canā€™t buy it: I get the response on Gumroad: something went wrongā€¦
Iā€™ll try again tomorrow

Great feature to be able to exclude things or entire pages.


Hey @Mattheus.

You can try again now. I was selling but there was nothing to download. :joy:

Some people didnā€™t like my new business model. :rofl:


Yeah, it comes in sweet for store checkout pages etc.

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Dang I was going to copy it :joy:


I might actually try it myself. Seems like a very efficient way to earn money without much effort :joy: :joy:


Hi @Jerry , is the placement in a global footer supported? Because adding the pagelingo bric in my global footer made it disappear from the exported HTML site. Iā€™ll dm you the project file.

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Nevermind. Converting from Blocs 4 to 5 broke some color settings :frowning: I was too quick to associate it with Pagelingo. Apologies.

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Still no luckā€¦



Website Translation, Simplified.

A Bric that work as easy as this worth it! Not sure why its not double the price or more.
Small Potato](

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Try deleting cache and cookies from the Gumroad website and reloading the page. I just double-checked by doing a test purchase and all works correctly.

It should be working on Bootstrap 4/Blocs 4 as well. It has just not been tested.


Hi @Jerry

Brilliant work !! had a couple of websites where I needed to have 2 languages and created the site twice! but this is perfect for when I need it again.

A couple of quick questions - couldnā€™t work out from the video how you change language/country?

My client loved to have 2 flags at the top of the website, can this be done like this so on a click of a flag the language changes?

Will this work on all browsers ?

Thanks Jerry

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Good day.


Thanks @Bootsie. Thatā€™s exactly what I wanted to achieve. No bells and whistles, it just works. :grin: