Personal website/Digital playground

I REALLY like it… …because it’s a bit quirky and not afraid of white space.

My only problem I have is that so many links take you out of the main site.

Good job.

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Hey Nico,
Thanks for the suggestion, however I didn’t understand what you mean by reading levels. Can you explain?

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Thanks for the feedback. I agree with Nico as well, all my sections are similarly structured in terms of layout. Also will try out different grey levels as you said!

Thanks Alberto.

Thanks Rich, a lot of time went into designing that hero section, haha.

Sorry, I guess I should have given more context about this website. So I am a recent graduate in Design and was looking to build my online portfolio, to showcase what I do. Initially it was to sell myself to clients/recruiters as a proof of work.

But now this is kind of like my ‘Digital Playground’ where I just try out different things and at the same time maintain my design portfolio. So yes this is kind of like my ‘website resume/portfolio’

And don’t worry, all the data on the website is mock.

So mostly, people in my industry would want to visit this website to see who I am, and what I do.

A lot of things, such as the ‘GET IN TOUCH’ are still incomplete, and I agree it is all over the place right now. Hopefully over time it gets more concrete as to what this website is.

OMG how could I miss those out.
Thanks, I’ll update them.

Thanks a lot Paul,

Yes I agree about having loads of external links, maybe I can have modals open with iframes inside to load that webpage? what do you say?

The Hero is great, but it becomes misaligned on the two small break points, could be fixed easily, I imagine.


Thanks harshibeni. I think you site in on the right track to accomplish your expectation.


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I mean you have different levels of information in a message, a site is usually divided by sections and each section has a unique and specific function so depending on what are you telling you might show it in certain way in order to pop out more. Or just to change the visual rhythm keeping the user attention.

Of course it does not need to be every time like this. You could suggest a opposite behavior. It always deppend on what you are pretending the user experiments

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My only comment would be about the navigation not being sticky always at the top. I’ve always thought that having to scroll back to the top looking for it is a user experience problem that can easily be fixed by making the nav bar sticky always and everywhere.
Other than that, love your site.

Yes it makes sense. Will try out different things with these.

Thanks for your suggestions!

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Thanks, but as far as I know it would be impossible to have the text aligned on every width, right?
that could be possible with fluid font, but in responsive I can only have limited breakpoints.

So to have the hero align properly, I have tried to have them aligned good enough on the 4 breakpoints that blocs provides. But it will break for sure, specially in smaller sizes.

You have any solutions for this that I am missing?

Yes Navigation I wanted sticky as well, or at least have it pop up again, as soon as I start scrolling up (instead of having to scroll all the way up)

but I really DISLIKE the default shadows that the nav bric has in blocs. I wouldn’t mind even completely getting rid of them, but unfortunately I don’t know how to write custom code at all. Tried finding solutions online but no luck.

Do you have any idea how I can remove/edit the shadow of sticky nav?


Try this solution from @casey1823:

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Use sticky-nav.sticky as jerry mentioned. It works perfect.


@Jerry, @centurion_basso this isn’t working for me, are you guys sure this works in blocs 4?

Do you have it live somewhere?

Add the class into the Class Manager, making sure the periods remain in place. When adding the class to the Class window on the top right corner, the last period is gone and the class doesn’t work.

Yes this has worked @centurion_basso
Thank you so much!

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