❓ Poll: How many websites do you build with Blocs?

Hello guys,

in preparation of building new add-ons for Blocs, I have a question for you.
How many websites do you build with Blocs, either personal or as a business for yourself / others?

I would be happy if you could leave a vote here. This is a private poll, so no one will see your vote.

Thanks in advance! Cheers

How many websites do you build with Blocs?
  • Only 1
  • Up to 5
  • Up to 10
  • More than 10
0 voters

β€˜New add-ons’ :grinning:


Great results, thanks.

25% up to 5
25% up to 10
50% over 10

1 Like

More than 10.

More than 10.

At 30 and growing.