Postal Code/Address Search

Is it possible to easily set up “Postal Code/Address Search” on the form?

It is possible. Although “easy” depends. Since you are asking then no it is not easy.

You need an API for the addresses, I know here in New Zealand, we can actually tap into our national postal service to automate addresses. I think Google also has an API for this.

This is not something you will likely get help for in this forum.

Assuming you would want to access the Japanese postal code API. You can get it here:

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Nice, even provides a demo of all the code.

Semi easy then @sifrec :laughing:

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Thank you very much, I’d like to give it a try.

“Jerry”, thank you for the link. Currently, I’m creating some forms using only “Blocs”. However, there’s no option for a “postcode” input field in “Blocs”. Does using this reference link mean that instead of adding code to the page created with “Blocs”, I have to create the form page itself using code?

I probably would use standard. More about Form Elements and Attributes here:

You might want to get a web developer on board if you still struggle with this.
As @PeteSharp rightly said:

“Jerry”, I felt like I didn’t really understand what “Jerry” was saying in the translation, thank you very much.