Preview of Wordpress dynamic data not working

Something went south when previewing Wordpress pages with dynamic data. Even though preview doesn’t seem to be working, the exported pages are fine in Wordpress.

blocs-wp-post-thumb=true, no longer show the featured image in preview.

You you set at post loop to show only a particular tag (or category), it now previews all posts regardless of the tag or category. For example, I have one custom type post with only 2 posts, each with unique tags and categorie. If I set a post loop to show only one post of one of the categories or tag, it previews only the newest post of that custom type posts.

Preview seem to be working on this project before, but something happened. I tried with several projects, including the sample Wordpress project, with same results.

The Blocs plugin is installed and active, and it does refresh the data without errors.

I tried with Blocs v5.1.1, 5.1.0, 5.0.8
Running Wordspress v6.2.2 (but also tried with v6.1.3)
Running Local version 7.1.0

The exported Theme works correctly though.

Anyone experiencing this?

Hi @Norm,

Is there anything I can try in Blocs to fix this issue with preview?
I’m sure that the Featured images were previewing before.