Preview snapshot, is that just preview?

What is the preview snapshot? Is that just preview mode or something else?
Adding the class: hide-in-blocs-page-preview-snapshot is that supposed to hide elements when in preview mode?

It describes it in the docs. But only slight more than what you posted :grin:



Didn’t know about those. Quite useful.

They are used in custom brics. But are handy for a lot of things too.

I am aware of the of the knowledge base (that’s where I found the class in the first place), and have already tried using the class hide-in-blocs-page-preview-snapshot in my bric project. This class does not hide in preview mode and is not removed when exported! Hence my original question here. Maybe @Norm will chime in ….


Where exactly are you using it? It works in the html template of the Bric.

In the HTML template of the Bric

The reason I posted the question in the first place is that the documentation states:

.hide-in-blocs-page-preview-snapshot – Bric content with this class will be hidden from the page preview snapshot image. This class is automatically removed from the exported code.

However, content with this class added, still displays on preview, and the class is not removed when exported.

I tested this with v5.0.8 and 5.1.0b3