Publish Conflict. I Need Help!

I am currently running a server using Synology Nas and am using WordPress. A problem arose during the process of applying a theme that I created in Blocs.

My Actions

  • Created a homepage in Blocs.
  • Created a folder in the Synology Nas server WordPress theme folder.
  • Applied the theme through the WordPress admin page.
  • Navigating the menu was possible (No issues).

Later, I added another page to the homepage in Blocs and added a menu.

  • Published it to the server.
  • Checked the website after application.
  • The menu was created, but the Nav wasn’t activated (A problem arose).


  • Is it not possible to update in real-time by directly sending it to the server using Publish?
  • Every time I send it to the server, do I need to apply a different theme in the admin page and then reapply my desired theme?
  • I am curious as to why the menu isn’t linked immediately after uploading…!

This is the video of what I did.

I also asked the Blocs masters. I’m leaving this in the community because I need advice. Why does the page keep having conflicts?

A relative? :grin:

Rich the Weather Guy

A much younger one. 32 vs XX


Thank you for leaving so many comments.

Your name is Jerry, same as mine! Nice to meet you.

Even without using a theme, after I create in blocs,
I set it to cms → WordPress,
then export to WordPress,
and overwrite the files in the folder where the theme is active.
However, while the word ‘Menu’ gets added, when I click on it, it doesn’t go to the desired page but instead goes to the Home.

Is there anyone experiencing the same issue?
It seems like the page addresses are linked correctly, but why isn’t it working…?

Thank you for leaving so many comments.

Your name is Jerry, same as mine! Nice to meet you.

Even without using a theme, after I create in blocs,
I set it to cms → WordPress,
then export to WordPress,
and overwrite the files in the folder where the theme is active.
However, while the word ‘Menu’ gets added, when I click on it, it doesn’t go to the desired page but instead goes to the Home.

Is there anyone experiencing the same issue?
It seems like the page addresses are linked correctly, but why isn’t it working…?

Even if it’s not a template, I can’t make it. I’ll use CMS as wordpress
After applying the theme to the homepage, if you overwrite the file through ftp, the menu will not be moved. (Later in the video)
What kind of problem?

Welcome to the forum Jerry :grinning:

Simply setting the projects CMS to Wordpress and exporting will not work.

Wordpress themes need to be constructed in a particular way. I would recommend watching this free video series, so you get a better idea of what’s involved to create a Wordpress theme.


I’ll try to memorize it. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your answer. If there’s a problem, I’ll contact you via the community! Have a nice day.



어제 이메일로도 답변해 드렸지만 워드프레스 테마를 만드실때 Publish아닌 Export As Wordpress Theme 기능을 이용하셔야 됩니다. 아무튼, 개발자 (@Norm)가 알려주신 무료 강의를 아직 안 보셨으면 그것부터 시작하시면 좋을 겁니다! 다른 질문이 있거나 도움이 필요하시면 이메일로 언제든지 도와 드리겠습니다!

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