Hi …
Not sure if there is a solution for this. But let’s say the customer buy a product. With the product there is a QR code. Here u see some special content only for people who bought the product.
Is there a way that after the QR code is used the url doesn’t work again? So each time the user scan it its a new url ? So it’s not possible to share the url ? Or is there a way to hide the url or something ? I will avoid thinks like login page and password etc …
i had the same “problem” with QR code for products I sold before
the unique solution I found was:
1/ to target each QR code to each product (u can find online how to do it)
i was one step forward and at same time each “Serial” of QR code was linked to a product serial (let says: t shirt, pants, polos …)
2/ record email of the customer before to see the content (kind of mailing list not active)
I know u don’t want but it is the unique solution I found
from my side it was ok as the customer scanned the QR code to have points on his account, account linked to an email
I wanted to make a way with a system, as u said, to cancel the validity of the QR code after seeing it, but never went deep to this