Randomize order on refresh, scroll or hover

I thought it would be a cool idea to have image in a Masonry gallery or some other way that changes the order on refresh or scroll.

How could this be accomplished? Is it even possible?

Yes, with Iconic Gallery


I deleted my reply. @Jannis for the win. I didn’t realise your galley had that options. Awesome :star_struck:

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Does this work with Repository Manager? If so, where would I find any video tutorials or links to How to use the theme?

Did you read Jannis’ website. Scroll down.

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Actually these two are designed to work together. Like a little Photo CMS :wink:


Hi @KBConcepts,

I wanted to share a great example of how the Iconic Gallery works seamlessly with the Repository Manager.

We recently had a music festival with three freelance photographers. In the past, they would send me their pictures after the event, and I would have to cut, crop, sort, and upload them to the festival’s website.

Now, I’ve integrated the Iconic Gallery and Repository Manager into the site and granted the photographers direct access to the repository directory. They can upload their pictures directly, and the images are automatically resized to fit the website’s design. I’ve configured the gallery with a random display and a Masonry layout. This means I no longer have to do all the manual work!

The photographers tend to upload a large number of pictures, resulting in the gallery displaying many images. I’m hoping @Jannis can add a feature to limit the maximum number of images shown.

You can see an example here: https://www.ireon-music-festival-samos.gr


Good stuff @sandy, and are they all optimised ‘on the fly’ as the page loads pretty quickly for that amount of images?

At firs page load (so a user visits the page), for all uploaded full images, a thumbnail will be generated automatically and stored on the web server in a dedicated thumbnail folder. These will be used for the grid display and subsequent user visits.

See Photo Location Settings → Thumbnails


Cheers @Jannis.
I’m assuming you still have to optimise the larger, full screen images?
Just wondering as @sandy mentions he had pictures coming in from various sources, therefore trusting them not to upload 15 mb pictures each time.

Repository Manager has a functionality to resize images during upload automatically, e.g. to a max width/height.

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Nice work! It’s cool that as the page refreshes photos are shifted around. It make me wonder what other cool things could be achieved. Example: Could the photos have transition effect as they shift around? Could they have a timer, where after a set time they would shift? Could they have custom boarders/frames? There may be others that someone else could think of. :grinning:

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