Responsive Design Testing on Real Devices

What are web developers using to check the 4 breakpoints on various devices?
Free checking, whether from Web links or Software

I use real devices using Blocs built in local network preview.

Same here. Basically looks like this:

Although, I have used Solis before. These days, just devices and Safari’s developer’s tools (Responsive Design Mode).

I can’t see purchasing all those device. If I made $$$ building websites, I would.

@Eldar I use Windows 10 more than my MAC. I wish they had Safari for OS.

In that case you might like to try Responsively App. It’s a free app. It’s a Windows version of what Solis does, although it’s also available for the mac. I haven’t done a comparison, so not sure what differences exist between the two on a mac.

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@MiguelR, thank you so much for sharing that. I’m looking forward to trying it.