Save a Bric?

Hi. I find some older kind of related posts here, but nothing that answers my question.

I can design/configure and save a bloc to my library.
I cannot save a bric to my library. Is that right? If so, is there a workaround to get a bric I have styled for me to be reused?

Looking forward to your take on it.

Maybe by putting this bric in a bloc, and then save the bloc?


That’s how I do it.
Don’t forget to save the necessary classes too.

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Thx. I had that Idea, too, but it doesn’t work. But maybe I am standing in my own thought’s way. So here is the situation:

For a portfolio project, i have a 2 and 3 column layout (blocs) with project cards (brics) in a row, these cards have an image, headline, link. I have these in the home area but I want to reuse them on several occasions. Therefore, I wanted to use them (not 2 or 3 at once, but single once) on other pages.

I can not nest a block in a block and I can not put a bric on the canvas without a bloc. What do you think?

Create a new empty bloc.
Go to the desired bric you allready have and duplicate it.
Then drag the duplicate to the new empty bloc and save the bloc to the library.


Thank you. But this does not solve my problem or I don’t get your solution quite correct. Have a look:

I want to save this bric (f.e. a project card) to reuse it in another area

It’s basicly the same thing.
Instead of saving the duplicate to the library just drag the duplicate to the area you want it.

Thx. But maybe I am not getting something. If I save a block as you suggest …

… the library shows then the saved element with three more. And I cannot insert this single one into the desitinated area:

My goal is as simple as it is done in other applications: to save project assets to reuse them again.

Here is the file if you want to check on the data.

Thank you for your ideas and time, @Bootsie

If you’ve saved the bloc to the library as I discribed above, you’ll find the bloc in the bloc library not in the bric section.
So open a new bloc and look for your bloc that you’ve saved.

If im understanding correctly, you can create your bloc by adding all your bric components together. e.g heading, img. Then right click and select ‘add bloc to library’. So that it can be used in other projects.

You can then add it into another project or page by clicking the big plus buttons, and select it from the blocs library. Once its in as a bloc on your canvas, you can then just select the column either by selecting it on the canvas or by selecting the column in the layer tree. The column will obviously contain all the elements you need i.e the heading and image. Press copy, ctrl + C (or another method). Then just click where you want to paste it on your site and paste ctrl + v, (or another method).

You can do this as many times as you like. You could then just remove the original bloc from the canvas once you have copied it and pasted.


Well explained

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Exactly, the custom bloc only acts as kind of transport object holding the customized bric.


Thank you all for your efforts. – So I did understand it correctly, and—this was my knowledge before—the bottom line is, there is no “SAVE A BRIC”, just workarounds.

@Norm is there a plan to save a bric to have a reusable asset like it is now the case with blocs?