Save site preference logo to home screen on IOS/Android

If this is a repeat message, please forgive my ignorance!

I want the logo with site URL in the site preference to “Save to home screen” from IOS Safari and Android Chrome menu’s. Can anyone help with that?

Please advise.


Hi Jimmy, for that, you need several favicons and you need to add a little bit of code. Use this website for generate everything you need:


The easiest way is to use this web site to create the fav icons for different devices.

Upload your icon and it will generate the code needed for the devices. Put the code in the head section of the index page. You also need to choose a fav icon in the Blocs main settings. Upload all the files to your server with your web site.

To verify, bookmark your site to make sure your fav icon is working.

Once this is done you can then add the icon to your home screen of IOS and Android screens.

On Apple open the web site in Safari and click on the up arrow at the bottom of the screen. Choose add to home screen.

On Android Chrome open the web site and click the three dots in the upper right hand side of the browser and and add to home screen.

This will create a app like looking icon that is a short cut to your web site.
