Set of questions

Hi, coming from experienced Elementor usage, i am in exploring phase of BlocsApp :slight_smile: searching for some answers:

  1. can i margins type amount per side (top, bottom etc)? I just see predefined spaces but not with custom number option

  2. can margins/paddings be separated from responsive breakpoint, now is looking one default option is showing everywhere? on mobile i want that margin is 20px but on desktop i want that is 10px

  3. is it possible to create custom responsive breakpoints, looking to me that some projects/designs needs a little bit more fine tuning resolutions? (elementor down side is only 3 breakpoints)

  4. sticky navigation? couldnt find option

  5. replacing image on mobile responsive view?

Thank you in advance, BlocsApp looks like really good project, keep up the good work.

Hello and welcome to Blocs Community!

  1. Yes, you can create a class with custom margins and add it to any bloc you want. You can even have different values for different breakpoints.

  2. Yes, you can do it using the sidebar, or by using the class as mentioned in the #1 answer.

  3. There are 4 breakpoints inside Blocs, but using classes, you can fine tune everything to a pixel.

  4. Yep, it’s there.

  5. Yes, use a class with a different background image for each breakpoint. Very easy.

Hope it helps!

Best regards,


If you add a navigation bloc, you’ll find the sticky checkbox here:

Welcome, @ogitive Yes, to all of the above. The forum has a wealth of information, just use the search feature and don’t be afraid to ask questions. Lots of help here.

@Eldar has a lot of free tutorials on YouTube and also visit his Blocsmaster courses if you want to learn more about Blocs 4.

@PeteSharp Pete also has launched a new Blocs Builder site that has a lot of good tutorials.


Welcome to the forum @ogitive

This custom bric may prove useful to you, along with others in the Blocs Store.

The creator of that Bric is offering a sale currently also.

Also with you coming from Elementor, I"m sure that you noticed that Blocs+ offers the easy ability to create custom WordPress Themes.

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Thanks @Blocs_User! :raised_hands:t5: