Share your Build with Volt CMS websites

I have one I need to complete in the next 2 weeks. Soon as I sort out my empty extension manager and able to add the new version, I will post it on once its done.

I will be using Volt for my client adding 2 sections on the home page, and a Blog section page too.

Looking forward to it - I might need to fire some questions over !!


As @Jannis correctly said, I tend not to post links for client sites, because I donā€™t know if they might object for any reason. I am using Volt quite a bit though and just finishing up a site now for a B&B hotel, complete with online booking.

A big plus point I have found is that I can simply produce a short demo video lasting a few minutes showing how I edit their actual site, so they can see how text or images are changed, plus the options for adding custom classes through the properties. Thatā€™s usually all the help they need and there are no headaches with plugin updates etc.

As a little power tip, itā€™s a good practice to label editable areas with the appropriate text types that should be used in an area e.g H4 or Paragraph to maintain styling and Seo. You can do the same with images stipulating sizes and image proportions if you wish.

Perhaps the best use of Volt was a job last year where I built a Volt template in Blocs that the client accepted and was then able to add text and images on a draft domain. When that was complete the site was easily migrated to another domain and I was able to start again with the next site. This process was repeated 12 times and after a bit of practice I was able to turnaround sites in about 2 hours each. That made it highly productive and profitable.

I havenā€™t yet used the blog part on a site and I need to give that a try.


I use Volt-CMS for a number of sites, on this one I even used the BLOG bric of Volt-CMS as a kind of review page. Clients of this holiday house, sends to the owner their review and she puts it online, so in this page Lies alle Bewertungen Ć¼ber die FerienhƤuser in Pythagorion there ist the blog posting of 10 and if you click on the name you see the posting itselfs. And in the website I used the recent posting bric of Volt-CMS as well to show some postings, nice all styled with Classes to fit in the style of the website. I like @Jannis Volt-CMS a lot.


So good to hear that!

Thanks a lot!


Thanks for your input,

your website is very reactive, well done.

I have my answer by the way :slight_smile:

Iā€™m sorry for telling that.
it was probably a snappy dns issue or some sort, for some reason when i tried to connect.
my bad.
i will have a look. Iā€™m really curious about Volt , because among all the CMS available for Blocs, thereā€™s a consensus in the community on Volt :slight_smile:
I donā€™t really need it actually, but iā€™m intrigued by all these positive feedbacks about it that i suppose i will also use it no matter what :smiley:

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Hi @Jerome, I never thought Iā€™d use it like I do.

Websites are very secondary to the majority of my work, but Iā€™m now building them all with VoltCMS included. It just makes life so much easier in the end both for me and the client.

With each update there are extra bits of functionality and features.

I reckon, once youā€™ve used it (and got used to it), it will soon become another must have tool.

Best of luck.


What part of that site uses Volt CMS?

Could be better examples than my one, it (Volt) is out of date and a work in progress. (the whole site is a rush job and un-finished)

IĀ“m a happy user of VOLT CMS. At the moment I have only installed it on my own site, as a blog and to be able to update ā€œLinksā€ quickly, but soon I will also be using it on customer sites.

Thanks Jannis!



One of the, if not THE, nicest and cleanest website(-s) I have seen in a long time!

Eine der, wenn nicht DIE, schƶnste(-n) und strukturierteste(-n) Webseite(-n) welche ich seit langer Zeit gesehen habe!

Einfach leiwand!


Hey danke!

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This is my first website created with Blocs & Volt :slight_smile:


This first project allowed me to realize the potential offered by this CMS which offers great simplicity to my client, who is not technophile, to modify the content of his website by himself.


Hi Tatos
Nice, clean, great, thank you for sharing.
See you used presta for the cart and gather all went smoothly
all the best


Well done ! Iā€™m curious to know which part (blocs) are editable by your customer.
Iā€™m currently switching from Joomla to Blocs and would like to know if Volt is adapted for News, blog or content changing on a regular basis.
And for the Shop, you relied just on the integration offered by Blocs 4.1 ?
Thanks and cheers.

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I like also the side panel Contact. Is it a custom widget or did you use a dedicated Bric or Bloc ?

Yes, it is:

Hi @svimic,
On the home page, there is the text at the top of the page (with the yellow background) and the gallery at the bottom of the page.
On the other 3 pages, all texts, photos and gallerys are editable.
For the shop, I integrated a Prestashop via iframe.

Thanks :pray:

Hi Casey, if you donā€™t mind me asking. On the ā€˜melisa treasuresā€™ website, I noticed that the image of the house on the landing page remains full screen both horizontally and vertically regardless how one resizes the window. Is there a setting for that in Blocs?