Sidebar Menu: center links vertically, control link animation *** Solved, thanks!

Hi there,

I’ve got two questions regarding the sidebar menue links:

  1. How can I center the text block vertically in the sidebar?
  2. Where can I deactivate or control the link animation (default setting: fly from the right to their position with a time delay)?

I have already tried a few things but unfortunately without satisfactory results.

Thanks a lot!

for the animation, it should be on the List element. Just select it and on the properties select the “Animation” section and change the “Style”. If you want no animation, set it to none.

Thanks! Tried that already. But all the navigation items are locked and their animation parameters are all set to „style: none“ by default. … :thinking: I have no idea how or where to control the animation or what causes it. :man_shrugging: Or maybe I’m getting something wrong? :thinking:

Blocs duplicates the menu to create the markup for the sidebar menu. It then automatically adds that effect. There are no controls for it that I am aware of.

But we can stop the animation running with some CSS to remove the animation name it calls.

Add the following to the code editor, in the CSS input zone.

.nav-special .fadeInRight {
	animation-name: unset;

Like this…

Thanks, Pete! It works! :upside_down_face:
Do you have an idea how to vertically center the links in the sidebar?
Best regards!

It would be something like setting height: 100% on

.nav-special .site-navigation

Keep the space.

I am not in Blocs at the moment.