Slow loading time

Hey guys. I am an avid reader of this forum and now i am the one to ask a question. Google tells me my site is very slow (search console) i tried to apply what i learned here but the loading speed does not go down. I know bootstrap is very fast. What am i doing wrong?

Here is the main domain in the website:

Thanks in advance!

You can use this site to give you information about the load times and a guide on what to improve.

Also the Dev tools in Safari will give you a good run down, the main landing page has a 9 second load time. The Blue marker in the timeline, shows your DOM is loading in 5 seconds, it should only take ~ 1

There is 4 seconds on your cookie script alone.

Running again with cleared cache, the cookie script loads much better. And so was the general load time. Seems to be inconsistent.

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What specifically is Google saying is wrong? It seems OK here on my phone though I did think the animations might be hurting you. Have you tried Quick Link?

The balance of all this, is speed test scores of 100% is not a good measure. You can have a website thats just text, and no images and it will easily score 100%, its not something to boast about. Now being able to build a media rich website and score high is real skill.

The user experience is more important, thats not to say we should not be optimising our websites, thats vital (do not look at my Blocs Builder site, I haven’t spent much time making it :rofl:) and also ensuring we have really good hosting.

@brechtryckaert would be well placed to explain just how important good web hosting is and arguably overrides any number of tweaks we can make attempting to optimise websites. Saving a few dollars on web hosting is often a false economy.

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Works really well for me on my Mac. Very fast !

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Yeah, it was loading really slowly earlier.

Hey guys, thank you so much for all the effort and thought you put into this. I guess what is killing me is the seconds of the cookie script to load. I chose that service because it had all needed for the Brazilian Law (LGPD).

Is there anyway i could optimize it? On the providers website there is very little mentions to speed. Or should i just admit the tool, for being compleat, take a bit longer and google should go and…

humpf, humpf…

I found the speed varied a lot. Sometimes really quick as it should be with that script.

There could be other factors. :man_shrugging:

As far as I can see from the screenshots, it’s always the same JavaScript file being loaded via the slow responding CDN. Perhaps you could download that script and host it locally on your server? That would avoid the request to the CDN (and thus the delay on loading it).

It would of course means you’d need to manually update the file now and then (when a new version is published on the CDN url).

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