Like Pete said, it’s all in the code. Check the classes below in the code to see what gets applied. You can even use the inspector to change the css values and see how it affects the look.
snap-scroll-pagination snap-scroll-paginate-bg snap-scroll-pagination a .hover-text snap-scroll-pagination a:after snap-scroll-pagination
Example: to change the look from circles to squares, just remove set the border radius on this class to zero:
You can of course just add those classes to the class manager and poke their settings randomly, but without knowing what each class really does, that’s prone to annoy you.
Snap Scroll works best if you have a page with full height blocs.
Wow, Fynn that was really cool of you to share, what I could not find. Actually, I did .snap-scroll-pagination. I click on the snap scroll bric and applied it. I tried to change various thing, but it did nothing. That is why I started this post.
Thanks to you, I am going to play around with the info you so kindly shared.
The problem of Snap Scroll showing all blocs, nav and footer included is still alive.
The workaround which is no ideal but works for me is to add a snap-scroll-pagination class with display:none important!.
The mouse still scroll to the next bloc but the pagination is hidden.