So I thought I'd try to build a Landing Page

New Blocstioneer here.

I needed something to get my teeth into to try Blocs out with. Brand new abuser of Blocs. And I have wasted so much time trying to find something I could create Landing pages and Sales Pages with (glad I stumbled into Blocs after my Muse days). I’ve tried most.

And my day job is building Sales funnels with the likes of Clickfunnels. So it’s a challenge to get something that can create pages FAST, WITH EASE, FLEXIBLE and no MONTHY FEE or RESTRICTIONS.

It took me the weekend to play with Blocs and get used to using, but I’m on my way. SO I thought I’d share my first venture. It’s not very big. I just wanted to see what can be done:

And thanks for the 100% PageSpeed score @Norm. I’m loving Blocs already.

I know it’s a copy of someone else’s previous work - but it’s just something I wanted to play with. It’s not going to be used for anything other than the learning process with Blocs.

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Love the result you achieved. Really looks nice!

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