Static page content editing in WordPress

Hello. I am currently developing a WordPress theme for my website.
I am issuing a problem with links in buttons. WordPress website is using different URLs, not as static one.

Thanks in advance!!!

Could you clarify what do you mean by “ WordPress website is using different URLs, not as static one” ?

Could you show an example, or provide a link?

Here is an example of where the page is located on my WP website:


However here is the address where a specific button sends me to:


In blocs I set this button to work properly:


Otherwise there are no other options. Also, I don’t want to use “Navigate to URL” as I am trying to make theme in WP as much customisable as possible.

Actually in this case you do use an URL: /focus-areas

The reason that navigate to page doesn’t work in this case, is that you are creating a template for a wordpress page. That template can be use in more that one page.

Additionally, you WP page that you assigned the template ‘focus-areas’, has the same permalink. However the WP page with the permalink ‘page-focus’ could have a different page template assigned to is.

You can also try some of the WP permalink options in the interactions in Blocs.

Today I reviewed all options and found that there could be an easy developed option in new version for blocs.
There could be a new option:

  1. making a WordPress Custom Data → Customiser Item Types → new item type URL
  2. (New feature) in button Interactions setting this new item