Strange listings for my Blocs site on Google


My websites is called RouteTrip USA (with a capital T in the middle) and as far as I know, all references to my website in Blocs (and anywhere else) is typed in this same style.

I noticed a few days ago that when I perform a google search for “routetripusa” the Google listing (not paid ads or business info on the right hand side) shows as Route Trip Usa (shouldn’t have the space in RouteTrip and USA should be all capitals).

If you then click on “more results from” it then lists lots of webpages which show the page title and then “Route Trip Usa”. I think I have attached a screenshot to show what I mean.

I am not very technical, but my question is: Is this a Blocs thing that caused this or is something in Google and does anyone know how to fix it? It isn’t a big problem but it is annoying.

Many thanks in advance.

I’m sorry that no one has replied to you in 21 days, but let me change that now.

I had a look at your page code. I cannot say how Google makes it’s search results decisions, but I can only say that I see “route trip” (ignore capitalization for now) appearing with a space in the Keywords, Description, and Title. I fully realize that space is not a part of your official name, but I can only guess the other metal data on your page must be influencing Google’s algorithm. And yet, if we look at the rich results for your business appearing at right, we see the name is correct with no space at all:

I also see the following from FaceBook in the search results, which no doubts causes problems for Google’s Algorithm too:

Couple that with the fact that “Route Trip” is normal English whereas “RouteTrip” is not (in that it is a name), could mean Google’s Algorithm is trying to make your official name sound more like written English with a space.

Personally, as long as both ways lead to your company and you get a great ranking in Google search, that’s what matters most.


Thank you so much for your reply.

Next on my list is to understand SEO. I have spent the evening trying to add h1,h2,h3 tags to my website. SEO is something that really confuses me. Apparently “Canonical pages are a different domain” and lots of my pages are not on the sitemap.

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I’ve been designing sites since the 1990’s and I’ve never worried about H1/2/3 tags at all. Many of my pages don’t even use those tags, yet my sites appear just fine in Google search results. Getting the title, description and keywords right is far more important. After that work is done, then you can consider H1 tags.

The layout of your page matters too in that you want a lot of raw text on a page rather than text embedded in images. Blocs generates site maps that are good enough and I copy those to my web server, but for many years I didn’t use site maps at all, and my sites appeared just fine in Google search results.

In then distant past I spent a lot of time registering my sites in major web directories, most of them free, but a couple paid.

But perhaps the biggest help in boosting your sites ranking is getting other unaffiliated sites to link to you. Product reviews do that. Hiring companies to post a product press release on a site outside your domain also helps. Getting people to review your services can also help SEO at the risk of having some bad actors who badmouth you.

Running your sites through Google’s PageSpeed Insights can also be helpful in terms of SEO.

What works for others won’t necessarily work as well for your site, so just keep reading about SEO and spent time trying different things.

Thank you for your help. I really appreciate it