Support Blocs 4 ๐Ÿ˜‡

Hey everyone,

Today we have launched Blocs 4 on product hunt.:rocket:

If we can get Blocs up into the popular products of the day section, itโ€™s amazing exposure for Blocs.

We would really appreciate it if you could take a few seconds and give us an upvote :grinning:

You can check Blocs 4 on Product Hunt here.


I really would love to do this but thereโ€™re to many questions to answer that are not needed to do an upvote imho.

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no problem :sunglasses:

No problem Norm, quickly done.


I support Blocsโ€ฆ done!!


Just voted!

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Just created an account and upvoted - go Blocs!

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All set, voted.


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Voted, Iโ€™m loving Blocs, and Iโ€™m SUPER thankful for the tutorials on YouTube, it really helped me get off and running quick :slight_smile:

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I signed up so I could submit a review and upvote. I must say it is a tad disappointing to only see 23 reviews (mine being the current 23rd) out of 602 upvotes. Weโ€™ve got hundreds of Blocs users in this forum, so Iโ€™d encourage everyone to write a couple sentences after Upvoting. Registering at that site is painless. Itโ€™s worth it to support Blocs.

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all done :grinning:

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Thanks for reminding. Just voted.


All done :white_check_mark:

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Just voted.

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Sure I left my note there. we are happy to support anyway we can.
A Quick question @Norm : is there any upgrade offer for current bloc 3 user? I like to go for plus but seems it cost like $120 right now/

Yes there is a discount for current users (but not on the Plus features), all details on upgrades are here.