Tab Anything Pro 1.7.1 Update

I’ve update Tab Anything Pro to version 1.7.1.

Now you can select the active mobile label color independently. This enables the Material styles to be more useful. That’s the best way that I can explain it :wink:



I think we are back to that old update problem… I had 1.7.1 installed as shown in the extension manager and was just advised there is an update available. Then it tells me I have 1.7 installed already.

Screenshot 2022-06-21 at 18.03.47

… and every time you start Blocs the message pops up again.

I have a small issue with this where the Mobile Only button does not display the drop down menu. Tried it on a new project and it works fine. Deleted the existing bric and tried it from fresh but still not working. I’ve checked project attachments and have tabanythingpro.js there so not sure what else it could be, website is pretty fresh with not much content on it yet.

EDIT: Just checked and I was on v1.6. I logged into Gumroad, downloaded 1.6.1 and then in the Blocs Extensions Manager it popped up there was an update to 1.7.2 and this is now fixed. Thanks