Tab Anything Problem (SOLVED)

Hi, I have create a simple One Pager and use Tab Anything to show some Bands. The Problem … On a desktop I see Buttons, looks good. But on mobile I switched the the mobile option so I have a dropdown menu. At the start the button is red and the font white. After choose a band the button is still ted ( I like it) but the front is grey - I have no idea to fix this… Any ideas ?!?

thanks and a happy new year to all

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It look like you’ve added and grey colour to the .btn class and has been set it to !important

There’s a typo in LEDERREBELLEN headline.
Also in the button. There’re 3 RRR.

Hi, nit sure if I set a class. Only set the btn-clean class. The rest is done inside tab anything …see screenshot

Bildschirmfoto 2023-01-03 um 15.46.16

thanks for your help

Hi @Bootsie

I know that - Thank you. In the new versions I have fixed it. Danke :slight_smile:

I add a class .btn and set the color to white on mobile …
thank you @Jerry

Still the Tab Anything Problem …
To add the .btn class is not the solution - because every button changes …

So - still the problem that after clicked the tab anything mobil button the font change color…
Any ideas to fix that ? It sucks :woozy_face:

Bildschirmfoto 2023-03-10 um 13.49.18
Bildschirmfoto 2023-03-10 um 13.49.23

also the the color of the arrow
