The export forgets some of the images

Thanks for the replies. I will study your suggestions and learn more about the features. I couldn’t get it to work, I probably lost some blocks while trying. When it’s just one page, I started completely from scratch. At least it looks good now and it’s nice to work.

Thank you for the information. I logged on to the server and indeed, I couldn’t find the missing pictures there, and not even from my own computer, even though I’ve been able to import them into blocsapp. I’ll see if there are instructions for importing images.

Now I understand. It makes me wonder why blocs export to local folder doesn’t take changes or all images?
Blocs would publish, but my skills stop at how to direct publishing to the /testi1 subfolder. The team needs to see the page before the official release. Sorry google translator.

I always use the Embed Assets option at the bottom of the Project Settings page. It’s never failed me (yet!).

This, along with correct file naming and turning off WebP generation, seems to work for me.

Great features can be found in Blocs, now jquery.min.js seems to be missing, if I understand correctly. Where can I get these missing .js files again?