Things to avoid on your website

These are all fairly basic web design points, but I think some would profit from reviewing what is highlighted here.


This was super interesting and helpful. Thanks for sharing @Flashman!

I was a little upset and took a moment when I heard the bit about cats :cat2:


I need to take down my cats playing pianos in space website.


Cat videos are the future of web design. The fight back against Instagram starts here.

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What if my website is all about cats?

See above :joy:

Even my premium site, that has pianos not synths must go.


Moved my cat site to the dark web.

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I think that is a more suitable venue.

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I’ve been convincing customers for years to not blog with dates. So many company sites have 3 regular blog posts on site launch then nothing for years :joy:

There are obvious exceptions. But they are few.

After I send them a link to my cat site, they don’t take me serious :face_with_monocle:

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The cats date their blog posts in dog years.

Some good points on this video.

Thanks for sharing @Flashman

This is very helpful.