Tip for UI Design Software?

Hi forum!

Can anybody recommend a UI Design software?
I would love to find something similar to Blocs, with a grid system, different view points and the possibility to export HTML and CSS.

I am looking at various solutions on the Internet right now, but would be grateful for any advice.

Sketch is a good choice, however it won’t export HTML. It will allow you to export CSS and SVG code. Additionally, the interface design can be exported as useable slices for use within a web design project. Apart from Adobe Illustrator, I don’t know of any vector design app that will export a complete HTML/CSS layout. An alternative solution would be to use an online conversion utility that will convert Sketch or PhotoShop designs. One such service is Avocode I’ve not used it personally, but I know people who have used it with varying degrees of success.

Thank you hendon52 for your reply!

After surfing a lot of websites today, it seems that what I need is more of a prototyping software.
Invision studio and Figma seem to be promising candidates.

For prototypes of both application and websites in Adobe XD it is good and free, with good add-ons, I have also used Invision!


invision pherhaps

Outside of Blocs, I mess around with Figma for static design work. It’s very nice :+1:

I like Figma. Single user has good functionality and outputs code for iOS, Android and Web pages. The team mode is very productive since multiple team members can be working on a project simultaneously.
In our case, graphics elements are created in Illustrator and exported as SVG objects which import very nicely into Figma.

I would recommend to go with Sketch (the GOTO-tool) or Affininity Designer (very underated for designing digital assets). For prototyping with interaction you could use ProtoPie. All the tools are affordable and without any subscriptions.

Have you ever seen

Adobe XD or Sketch

Your top three products for digital design are going to be Figma, Sketch, and XD at the moment depends on your preferences. I’m currently using Figma for it’s cross-platform capability, speed, and overall ease of use.

After you finish with your design, there is another application out there called AnimaApp
, which exist as a plugin layer that can convert your finished design whether in Figma, Sketch, or XD into static Html. It’s a great way to quickly generate static web mockups.

It’s been 4 years, and people are still using Figma! It’s amazing how quickly they’ve captured this niche.

I’m using Lunacy also, since it’s a bit more popular in China, and its offline mode is a lifesaver for me when I spend several days without Internet while traveling.

Webflow, Pinegrow, Figma