Trustpilot Widget

Hi, Just trying to put a Trustpilot widget in but it does not seem to show up. I’ve added a HTML widget and added this text:-

Does not show in the review or when I have uploaded it - any ideas?

Did you include the script in the page header?

It can sometimes be a browser issue. Do you have any blockers set in your browsers. Also, do as @PeteSharp suggests and check you have the head code set up. I’ve noticed similar issues with things like “addThis” social sharing bars. They can be blocked by tracking blockers in browsers.

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@Stevewagonwheels. You also will get quicker help if you provide links, and document with what you have done, the more info… the more likely you get a quicker reply and even a solve.

The trustpilot widget its a pay feature from trustpilot. You need to get their api to show the reviews. Are you sure you got the paid version? The free one only allow you to show the logo and the amount of reviews but not the reviews!
Its quite easy to add into blocs, just use the html bric and place it where ever you want on you page.