Typing rotation text

Is this a big in the latest Blocs version? Before I didn’t had that problem.

The still uploaded site still works with the Typewriting Rotation text.

Hello @r_botman you are opening the span with < but you are not closing it, and you have an error when you type:

<span style="xxxxxxxxxxxxx
<span class="xxxxxxxx

You have to delete the second “<span” just leave “class” :
<span style="xxxxxxxxxxxxx…

Hope it helps you…


Thanks @Pealco. It works again.

Hi @Pealco,
I am testing your code to change the text by typewriter in a Blocs test (clean without data) and sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t.
I copy the code from your website and paste it into a “Code Widget” bric, but it doesn’t work.
I have tested viewing in the browser and in Blocs, with and without preview.
I must be missing something.
What could I be doing wrong?
Thanks in advance for your help.

Best regards.

Hello @Wam please send me your project to take a look…

It is a project created with data prefixed by Blocs just to test your solution…

Prueba Typewriter.bloc (725.3 KB)

You have an error in the code:

You have:

  <stylearea style="color:black;font-weight:bold"></stylearea> With Confidence

When it should be:

  <span style="color:black;font-weight:bold"
     data-rotate='[ "shipping notifications", "Email Newsletters", "Password Resets", "Promotional Emails" ]'></span> With Confidence

Please check…

Is missing, the SPAN where the typed words are…

And there are more errors, normally that happens when you paste code with preview of the code bric enabled… please turn off the preview of the bric, and paste again the code from the website…

This is an old issue I reported to @Norm and I don’t know how it is the solving about this, as now I normally before anything turn off the preview automatically, I even thought that this issue was solved… please @Norm can you follow up this issue please?

Thanks @Pealco,
I turned off the preview and it worked fine.
Later I have tried it in a project that I am developing, but it does not work in any of the project pages.
This project is very large (about 1 Gb) and has external code from some of you (@Pealco, @Eldar…) and solutions from the Blocs store. Some of them must be bothering your solution.

Hi @Pealco,
I have left a single page of the project so that you can see what I tell you and you can perform a test of the problem

MLS prueba typewriter.bloc (1.2 MB)

thanks for your interest and help

Hello Wam, is working… :slight_smile:

Hello @Pealco, it is true.
Your hand and your knowledge are excellent.
I was already so obsessed with the problem and I have retested the project with the preview from Blocs and not from the browser.
It is a problem that the Blocs preview has these problems, because you always have to remember to test with the browser.

I apologize for taking up your time.
Your patient and powerful help to the forum is priceless
Very grateful for your help and for your patience.

Kind regards

No problem, we are here to help…


Sorry to bring this topic up! anyone using this or an alternative in Blocs with BS5 ?

Considering something like this on a home page I am working on.

Download, migrate to BS5 and see if the magic is happening. I know the answer :grin:

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I’ll give it a go when I’m back in later! Fingers crossed! :+1:

So many example for this online, you just need to Google. Ones like this have no dependencies (eg JQuery) and you can easily implement these in Blocs.

I don’t like Nachos… :grin:

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You probably undercook your streak too @Jerry :joy::joy:

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