Typography over the picture

Hi,does anyone know how to use blocs 5 to place a text over an image like in a magazine? It should only be partially above the image. Here is an example of what I would like to do:

Hi @sasha

You can just use the negative margin to move the text slightly over the image. Just make sure that the z-index of the text is higher than the image.

The easiest method will be just pressing on the SHIFT key and moving the right column/text bric over the image.



okay thanks for the answers. I’ve got it working so far, but as soon as I look at it in the preview or the browser, it’s moved and no longer where it should be. how can I solve this?

can someone help?

Yes, of course! Could you please share a screenshot or something we can see to know what’s the problem. In any case, you will have to make sure the position was set right on all breakpoints.

So I’m back from vacation and have sat down again. It works now, I have found the issue. But how can I make the layout responsive? It moves in the mobile view, but I would like it not to move but only to become smaller so that the layout remains the same.

adjust your class containing the margins for each breakpoint