UK Weather Alert

Strong winds will blow. Stay inside…
Severe Weather Alerts

  1. Disruption due to wind

Area: Dumfries and Galloway
Valid From: Sat, Jan 20, 2024, 09:54 AM
Valid Till: Mon, Jan 22, 2024, 06:00 AM
Issued: Sun, Jan 21, 2024, 10:14 AM
Issued By: UK Met Office, UK, EUMETNET - MeteoAlarm

Information on update: Correction to area across northeast England. After a generally windy day on Sunday, winds are likely to increase further during the evening and overnight, this increase reaching Northern Ireland first. Winds are likely to gust to 60 to 70 mph quite widely in inland areas, and 70 to 80 mph around coasts. However there is the possibility of a narrower swathe of even stronger winds crossing parts of the warning area, with gusts of 70 to 80 mph possible inland and perhaps peaking around 90 mph in exposed coastal and hilly areas - this is perhaps more likely across parts of Scotland. Winds will subside during the early hours across Northern Ireland, and across the rest of the area on Monday morning, although staying windy and gusty.

What should I do?

Prepare to protect your property and people from injury. Check for loose items outside your home and plan how you could secure them. Items include; bins, garden furniture, trampolines, tents, sheds and fences.

Windy weather can cause delays and make travel conditions dangerous. Follow these few simple steps to prepare before journeys. Check bus and train timetables, amending your travel plans if necessary. If driving, check road conditions and ensure you have essentials in your car (warm clothing, food, water, a blanket, a torch, an in-car phone charger). People cope better with power cuts when they have prepared for them in advance. It’s easy to do; consider gathering torches and batteries, a mobile phone power pack and other essential items.

If you are on the coast, stay safe during stormy weather by being aware of large waves, even from the shore large breaking waves can sweep you off your feet and out to sea. Take care if walking near cliffs; know your route and keep dogs on a lead. In an emergency, call 999 and ask for the Coastguard.

Rich the Weather Guy


Thanks @WeatherguyNH

I played golf today and well…the wind was really bad and we are home now and thankfully away from coastal areas and away from the heavy wind areas. We do have a holiday home literally on the beach front in Somerset which we are worried about - but fully insured and see what will happen.

The world is sure a strange place these days. I hope and pray everyone will be ok.

I live right by the beach, but we are in the south west and it wasn’t that bad here. I read the highest wind speed recorded with the storm was 99mph.

Edit: now saying it hit 107mph in Scotland and apparently another storm is following.

Happy to hear you are OK.
If I ever visit the UK, I will be in touch to stay at your summer house!! :smiley:

Rich the Weather Guy

107 is Hurricane Speed!!!
Hope you don’t lose power!!

Rich the Weather Guy

MPH is so last century. We do KMpH all storm long. :joy:

My goodness, aren’t we “uppity” when it comes to weather metrics.
I hope you all blow away!!! :leaves: :wind_face: :smile:

Rich the Weather Guy

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