Update: Any Video 1.2.1

Minor update

  • Added support for Vimeo’s Privacy Hash.


If you have Vimeo videos unlisted you need to use a Privacy Hash to embed them

Any Video will now recognise your privacy hash and build the appropriate parameters based on your options.

For example if your ID was 12345 your privacy hash would look like 12345?h=6789

CleanShot 2023-07-26 at 18.00.31@2x

Get Any Video


@PeteSharp I wanted to update the Any Video Bric in an older project (I have the latest version 1.2.1 installed), so I deleted the Any Video Brics in the document and in the Project Settings also. So there is no Any Video data in the project anymore. But every time I export the project, the “old” Any Video JS and CSS documents are exported. How do I get rid of them so that I can insert the updated Any Video Bric and start from scratch?

Check the page attachments, the old attachments may be sticking. There is a fix coming soon to help address this issue.


That’s exactly what I just did, thank you.
I forgot, in the Page Settings these are also stored, I have now also deleted these, so now it should probably work.


Quick example of how you can use Any Video - video gallery cards.

These are really easy. Comment on our 𝕏 post or YouTube video if you want us to make a tutorial on making these.


Great work @PeteSharp

As you know I use this bric a lot!

I did something similar to this for a few videos I had from sessions of some conference breakout rooms and it worked like a dream.

I have used it twice on a recent website where the image for the video production section is Any Video - works great and styling on the video my client LOVES!

Here is the link to the page: LINK


My video cards are slightly overlapping with the video poster slightly smaller. It’s subtle.

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Love this Pete!!
What spectacular video!!!

Please…make the tutorial…

Rich the Weather Guy

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