Just updated the Infinite Slider bric to version 2.2.0. This new version fixes an issue that caused a random installation failure. With this version is also possible to make vertical sliders and add specific height to them.
I use it on an event News page to provide a continuous list of Latest News promo graphics which can be clicked on to get additional details on another page. Also use it to show a continuous list of promo pics from the event on a Welcome page.
I like this bric very much, but there were a few minor quirks I had to get past when using.
Going slow. Mainly because I am building a couple of sites for friends, and then there is Bass Fishing in my canoe which has finally come as warmer weather makes it here to the Northeast USA.
More time inside during the fall and winter…no deadlines, so what the heck.
Thanks for asking…
Hi Lucas, don’t know if my pre-sale question regarding Infinite Slider 2 has its place here:
As your bric does not appear in the store within Blocs 5.2.6, I’m wondering… is it compatible with this version of Blocs ?
I would need it for a developing website.