Update: Swiffy Carousel v1.2

Thx Man. If you look at the first link (ideaagency.at/test), which is basically the current site (ideaagency.at/) after the Blocs update you can see that the horizontal scroll behaves differently all of a sudden.

I don’t see the page attachments in the first link. I suspect they didn’t make it through the update somehow. Unfortunately you might have to reset the bric to get working.

On the test page try right clicking and Reset Custom. Bric >> All That should bring the page attachments back.

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I will do that. Thx for the quick reply.

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@Whittfield Is it possible to achieve a continuos scrolling image gallery? I want to have several brand logos scrolling as a continuos marque but I can not see if the bric allow me to do this.



Hi @chicuelo,

I do not think this will be done. It was something I really wanted as myself and a client didn’t like how it flicks back to the start and was told it was not going to happen.

If it could continuous scroll then this would be amazing !

I don’t have that Bric, but maybe inspect the code and apply a class with overflow: visible to the parent container?

And never mind me, replying to a post from July last year. Seems I’m not really awake. :zzz:

There was a bric from Lucas called infinite slider, but its outdated and does not work in newer versions of bootstrap. It woild be great if we can achieve this with this bric

Hi @Whittfield - for some reason on the latest update of Swiffy, I’m now getting a small white square on the bottom right of the last image on a coloured background, and can’t seem to get it working smooth.

Anyone else getting it work ok on latest blocs BS5?

Cheers all

Anyone know why this is happening !?

I have tried various sized images and still getting it.

Hey @Jerry - thank you ! I will try this now.

So its not me going crazy as nearly every bric im touching does not either work or glitching !!!


Amazing ! - works perfect - thanks @Jerry

just if this bric had loop then would be perfect!

Also one thing I have noticed is the top of an image has a slight radius, but the bottom does not…I’ll keep looking !

Thanks for helping, much appreciated.

Hi @Whittfield - hope you are keeping well.

Just seeing if there will be a fix for this soon? thanks.

I’ll work on an update this weekend for Swiffy and Smartnav to handle this issue.


Tried using swiffy carousel and it locked up my Blocs project. Does it not work with v5.0.8 or Bootstrap 5?
Also will Swiffy work with local or http videos?

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Hi @Whittfield I am just seeing if you got around to this update? as its causing issues with me using it and I have a website where I really want to use Swiffy.


I give up on this bric now.

I gave up on it a while back…too bad.

Rich the Weather Guy

I bought it at the beginning of last month, and I have not been able to use it, I hope that later he will respond for an update.

Frankly, I would advise people to not purchase it in its present incarnation.
I use Whittfield’s brics all over my site, and I highly recommend them, they are great. However, this one misses the mark.

Rich the Weather Guy

I received a note a while back that Whittifield was having some medical issues. I still have hopes that he will recover and fix Swiffy.
I only mention this now because I wasn’t sure if anyone knew his situation.
As we all know, health should come first.

Health always first, I haven’t heard from him since last month, and I don’t know his situation, I’m also a fan of his brics, I hope he gets better if that’s the case, it’s also good that he doesn’t buy his brics until the one with new news to avoid some errors, and as soon as he can give his updates, they will be welcome.