Updates to my custom brics

Make sure you’re using Bootstrap 5. And possibly uninstall-reinstall. It’s all working fine for me.

Try Downloading manually from your Gumroad library. I’m not sure at what version, but I did release a version without a working Updater at some point.

Modal Designer has been updated to version 1.1 and fixes all the issues folks were having.

Remember Modal Designer is for Bootstrap 5 only.

You can use the Extension Manager but I’m not sure it will work. I think the last version had a bug. So in that case Download from Gumroad.

(Use your email address and reset the password if you’ve never accessed it.)

Cadence has been updated to 1.2.

I afraid v1.1 never got distributed. You should see it in extension manager. And it’s available to download from your Gumroad Library.