URGENT! 3 videos need to play at same time!

Hi all,

I have 3 x blocs that will have a small looping video in each, when the user gets to the video it is to start.

One testing was great with one - but then 2 and 3 will not play.

Looks like this can not happen - is their a way to force them to all play on scroll ?

Need to force all to play

@Norm this used to work, is there a work around ? cheers

Thanks all.

Auto pause was added in a previous version of Blocs to prevent video playback overlapping as it’s not a common requirement.

Did you have the videos set to auto play? I may be able to tweak the code for this type of edge case.

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yeah all set to auto play - cheers Norm

if there is any simple code for now I can put in that will be great - thanks @Norm

Well that explains the issue I had in my last project.

2 auto playing videos, no sound playing on 2 blocs on a lander.

I had to quick fix with some JavaScript to play and pause as they came into and out of viewport. Fun behaviour to discover at the last minute.

So an automation with no controls or options, and it appears to override a users settings of auto play?? :man_shrugging: :roll_eyes: might need those tweaks :smile:

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It was introduced in May with the release of 5.2.4 which was also publicly tested for 4-6 weeks before release.

The feature is intended to auto pause the currently playing video or audio player when another is played which makes sense when you have audio overlapping.

It looks like something that has been missed by myself and anyone who helped to test the betas is the scenario of silent multiple videos or multiple Bloc video backgrounds.

I should be able to improve that in the next beta release.


The additional JS for auto pausing video/audio is added to the bottom of any pages that need it as inline JS in the pages HTML upon export.

If you don’t minify your exported site html it’s a lot easier to find.

At the bottom of the page html look for the additional JS section, below that you will find a piece of code with the note “Audio Player Auto Pause JS”

Remove that inline JS and you should find it works as expected. See screen shot.

I’ll tweak this so it doesn’t interfere with Bloc background videos early next week.

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This is good to know. I planned on having a home page soon with various two column feature blocs, but with autoplay silent video rather than images. It sounds like this would be blocked at present.

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Thanks @Norm , I’ll have a play over the weekend.

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No problemo :raised_hands:

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Hi @Norm

I removed this on the page thats using the 3 x videos and they are still not working.
I will send you the page in private as not able to share in public on it.

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Hi all,

So I have managed to remove that code that norm pointed out (Thanks @Norm) and hopefully I can switch this when its updated so hopefully we can let a video know if we want it to play or autopause with other videos.

I have another issue which I will post on a separate post as its not related.