Use a image in the background

Hi. Just a simple question. Let’s say I will use a image or a color … make a border und rounded corners … what is the best way ? Do all this things direct in the column or first set a div and make these changes at the div ? What is the best way ? How you do it ? :smiling_face:

Personnaly I would assign a .stylename (top right frame)
You double-click on it, it opens a popup (if you are absolute beginner)
Then some parameters there as the border and background image or color.
With this popup you hzve more possibilities than the only right-frame (thas has no border parameters)

Forgot : the style assignated to the bloc

Hi and thanks. I am sorry for my bad English. I mean what is the best practice …
Let’s say I will set a class on a column and set a image in the class for the background and a border , rounded corners and so on …

Or …

I use a div in the column and make all these changes with a class at the div and not the column …

Hope u understand :smiling_face: I am sorry

It depends if you want all the customisations you mentionned :point_up_2:t2: (border, radius, background immage or color, etc.) :

  • for one div container (a bloc or a bric),
  • or separately to different div containers.

Both are « best ways », it dépends of your design intention in fact.

Personnaly, supposing your design is simple, then your secund option is best : one div container with one single style, and then in the style you can do all these :point_up_2:t2: customisatios.

For 3 reasons :

  • all stylings (border, radius, bg color…) are concentrated in one single style
  • if you want those styling in others div containers, it is one single copy-paste of the style
  • and if the style is assignated to severals div-containers, each change in it (radius, border etc) is effective on all others divs-containers that have this style assignated
    => better organisation and better productivity

Hope it’s clear

Hi …

thank u very much
