Variable Not Publishing to Templates

@Norm or any other devs that know what the problem may be.

I’m running Blocs v5.2.5 on macOS Ventura 13.6.9

I’m experiencing a lot of times that the variables are NOT being exported to my templates. This usually happens when every control is left alone, it is assumed that the defaults for each control would be published but they aren’t.

I tried putting a ‘storeCustomBricTemplateVal’ in one of the main controls to force the template variables to be published and worked fine in past, but now seems unstable.

What can be done to make sure these get published?


How are your defaults looking in the json inside the bric editor? Are these included there?

I haven’t used templates, so no help from me. :laughing:

Helpful reply I know :wink: but I think it’s all on Jannis here

Yup, all my template variables are set up in the Template Values pane.

Hi @Bill ,

I’m using templates in two of the four bricks that I am launching, and a few other for in house use. I have the same Blocs version and OS versions that you are using. The template variables seem to be publishing correctly.
Would you have a sample or test bric that shows the issue you could provide?

Are you using an Intel or Mx processor based Mac?



It’s an Intel & export is spotty - no way to know when it will work.

Kinda strange @Bill, it seems to be working consistently for me. Like I said, if you can conjure up a test bric, I can see if I spot anything.