Greetings everyone! I want to implement a vertical menu between div containers on the same page, and it is very important for me that my menu can be scrolled vertically, but adding a style with the necessary settings does not achieve the desired result. Is it possible to create this? Please tell me how this can be done.
Hi @Fedorov
Flex box by default inherits the height of the child items inside it.
If you set a height for the parent (column-menu), you can scroll when the child heights exceed the height of the parent (column-menu).
If you want the side bar to be in a fixed position on your page, use position fixed, and assign the left top and bottom edges to 0. Doing this, you wont need to set the height of the flex parent, as you have defined it as the top and bottom of the window.
I found a solution, I just needed to specify the position fixed!