Video background bloc: Video not looping

Background video isn’t looping on bloc. Autoplay and loop are both selected, but the video never repeats. Video file local/remote. Is it because it’s set to lazy loaded? File type is .mp4.


Screen Shot 2023-12-20 at 2.17.29 PM

UPDATE: I noticed where the video was stopping wasn’t very far into the video. The file was rather large and I took it into imovie to make it shorter and a smaller file size and it’s looping for us now -_- haha


I still haven’t found a solution, so any tips or suggestions would be awesome! :heart:

Do you have this issue in other browsers?

Yep tried a few browsers! :confused:

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Bonkers! I’ll try this out thank you! haha

Update: Tried it and it didn’t seem to help unfortunately :frowning:

Thank you! So strange, I’m not sure why it’s doing that. The home page is the only location of that video bloc. Myself, my boss, and the client aren’t seeing it loop, and I believe we’re all using different browsers.

I cleared cache and tried changing a few export settings with the same results.

UPDATE: I noticed where the video was stopping wasn’t very far into the video. The file was rather large and I took it into imovie to make it shorter and a smaller file size and it’s looping for us now -_- haha

I had a similar issue with a background video on my website not looping, even though I had the loop attribute in place. Turns out, the problem wasn’t with the lazy loading but actually a small hiccup in the code where the video wasn’t properly set to loop.

After some tinkering, I realized that sometimes you need to explicitly set these attributes in your JavaScript as well for it to work seamlessly across all browsers.

If you’re looking to edit the video itself before putting it up on your website, Movavi is a tool that’s super easy to work with. It might help to ensure the video is formatted correctly and optimized for web use, which could also affect how it plays on the site.

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