Videos within Volt blogging CMS

Hi all, I need some help…I’ve created a simple blogging setup using Volt and it works fine but my client likes to upload videos and all we can do to get a video within the Volt blog bric when posting a new blog is to include a link to a YouTube video.

Is there a workaround that anyone knows to just upload a local MP4 file??

Thanks, Nick

Possibly Repository Manager, also from @jannis, but not sure as I don’t own it.
I’m sure others will pop up with an answer to my suggestion - otherwise no, there’s no easy way.

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YouTube and Vimeo is supported.


If your client likes to upload videos then 100% get them to get a vimeo account which is more professional for business and add a link and they can create a nice poster in vimeo for the video.

Take the pressure off your server with multiple videos - they won’t be restricted on size etc either.

I have blogged on many platforms in the past and to be fair, never seen the option of uploading a video - but wouldn’t even have come into my mind to have uploaded a data heavy file into a blog.

Good luck anyway !

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Many thanks I think this might be right way to go

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