Viewshot — Magazine Product Website Templates Blocs

Viewshot — a clean, magazine, intuitive, and adaptable Blocs template designed to accelerate your creative projects. Whether you’re an agency or an individual, Viewshot provides a versatile starting point for crafting a website that truly reflects your vision. Streamline your workflow and focus on what matters most – bringing your ideas to life.

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Thanks for your feedback :heart_eyes: @Jerry

Yes, blocs still have Font Awesome Five, and I hope blocs update Font Awesome Six so that it’s easy for users to customize icon

I hope to add an icon from the icon manager

Love this template @AnasHyeee :raised_hands:

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Clean and beautiful template.
On my screen snap scroll does not stop where it should. There must be a way to insure only what needs to be shown works.

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Hello @KBConcepts,

Thank you for your feedback. I take it seriously and will use it to improve the template. It seems that snap scroll does not work well with many screen devices due to the size of the images and the layout when columns are stacked on top of each other. I have tried using flex, relative, and grid with adjusting the height, but I have kept my style consistent for the new product 02 page and the homepage to ensure seamless operation.

Thank you once again for your valuable feedback, @KBConcepts.

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Great work once again, however, shouldn’t the menu be sticky on the homepage? Navigating is somewhat difficult now once you’re halfway through the page.

No further remarks though. You just keep pumping out beautiful themes. Much respect :pray:

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Hello @brechtryckaert

I like your question. I clarify my idea about navigation. The template looks like a magazine and a leading page. My plan is to use a pop model for the show topic, post, or product. Pop model home page with snap scroll makes it more complex for the user on one page.

I am using a page instead of a model because it can be easily used, clean, and navigation is simple. The page looks like a model for a page.

I appreciate you taking the time to explain your rationale and thought process behind these suggestions.

Thanks for your feedback and i am appreciate you so much. More respect :saluting_face:

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I see what you mean. I get it now. That works better for that specific usecase indeed. Great job!

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