Volt CMS Table

Hi @Jannis
is there a way to do a table that the client can edit ?


Hi Tom,


Scroll down to the editor tools, and you see that there is mentioned a table: Volt CMS Tutorial

In addition, just have a look here and try the demo: https://voltdemo.blocsaddons.com


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Hi @Jannis
Thanks for your answer. Short question: Works that table also when I use the table in a div and set a max width ? When this works I want to buy it …

Let me know the exact CSS you expect and the amount of rows and we try out.


Hi @Jannis
I don’t need it any more. I found a solution for the background. So I dont need to set the table in a div.
I have bought volt cms today. But I have some problems. I only want to do a table, so I create a column and place a volt content. create a login page etc …that works all, and I can select the content after log in and set a table …

But the probelem is, that the table dont use the whole size of the column ?

Looks like:

Date Location Band

How can I fix this ? And is it possible to get divider between each section ?

Sorry @Jannis
one more question. I insert a Video ( YouTube ) But the video is really small. 400 x 300 px. But the original video is a 16:9 format. I there a way to change the size ?


That’s just a default table. Use following CSS to create a full width table:

table {
  width: 100%

Thats a table border.

Have a look here for more table styling: HTML Tables

In edit mode, you are able to change the size of the video frame by selecting a corner with the mouse and enlarge it (holding mouse button).

Hi @Jannis
thanks for your answer …

Where I put the CSS ? Inside Blocs ?

I know that with the video to get it larger, but it is not a 16:9 video anymore …

And when I want to style the text of the table for example the heading what I have to choose ?
Bildschirmfoto 2020-02-29 um 17.33.18

table ? head ? tr ? th ? What means that all? :confused:

Yes, you have to style the table inside Blocs.

So I put the code in the settings and set a class to the volt content ? sorry, I am not a coder :smile:

Or is there a documentation for all this ?

I am not able to document all kind of basic CSS styling.

Either you use the above examples to style all tables, or you create a CSS class with a special table style and add it to the content bric.

Ok, I try to put the CSS to the content bric. And sure you can not do a documentation for all the CCS styling. I mean a documentation for volt cms and tables in volt cms …
But the link you send is really good. Will check it :+1:
thanks for your help

Well, I did not know this table insert screen needs documentation :sweat_smile:

that’s wright :smile:
But I dont see anything about the width :smirk:
And a little Text Problem: I use a class for the head text and all of the head text change …

But the paragraph text I musst choose every word to style it ? Or where can I apply this ?!

table ? Head ? Tr ? Th ?

And the Video problem still there… When I paste the code in the pop up window the video is correct … But after click insert the video gets smaller :thinking:

I try a few videos …can you please give it a try ?

But - I like Volt CMS. I long time I use pulse …

Volt CMS does no styling. It only takes care of the content.

If you use a pre-made template from anyone who did already added a table style, Volt CMS would use that.
If Blocs itself would use another table style, same there.

In that case it might be best you style the table header also in a separate CSS applied inside Blocs.

I cannot give you an answer here now. I took a note to have a look later. Thanks for your understanding.

Ok - good to know

No Problem :+1:

Thanks a lot for your help :ok_hand:

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