What Brics would you like to see?

Hi @Bill, hope you are well - did you ever start this ? or if not do you think it could be something for you in the future !?


I still would love the image mask as in my original post! but hoping this is something that @Norm can bring into Blocs.

Yes, slowly working on it and several other things - patience padwan :slight_smile:

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More parallax animations and scroll transition options. Blocs is great on it’s own but needs alot more under the hood to make it powerful and stand out amongst other no-code sites that are already pushing the limits.


I agree with more parallax animations - I have seen some stunning parallax effects and would love to see this in Blocs.

Blocs is stunning - just a few more tricks for delivering visually is what I am after now.


:100: I have seen a lot of cool features and have been trying to figure out the basics of how things work and can stay repsonsive. Some of the effects I was able achieve in Blocs but not easy becuase it’s not “built in”.


Maybe post some specifics of what you want to achieve. It’s possible it may find its way into Blocs or even inspire a custom bric by someone.

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Hi Pete,

These websites have all the features I would like to see. Excellent examples of parallax and scroll features.


Advanced portfolio grids


That first one, has a similar effect to what I am using on the Apple Replica test site for NavPlus. Apple do it a lot. I have a play / pause button overlay for it too. I was thinking of implementing this as a Bric. It just uses GSAP.

This was made in blocs…

I could be mistaken, But I think framer builds all the sites in React. So its way easier to implement those things into it like that.


@johnandrew That moving effect on the reveal footer is cool, I might look at adding that as an option to Flexy Foot 2 if people would like it?



I would gladly pay for this and keep your coffee cups filled if you can make this happen, please. :pray:t3:

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Drafting it out a little, It might be on the rails (limited), since we have to work within the API of Blocs. But that same effect works nicely on the built in Hero with sticky Nav. Looks really cool. I will add a few different FX (like that tilting image on the hero on scroll in the framer link above), and you can assign an ID or a class to target the bloc of element.



@PeteSharp YES!! Can’t thank you enough. Looking forward to checking it out.

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I’m a bit late on that topic but a real slider, something like Unite Slider for Joomla with features such as move slides, duplicate slides, add or remove layers, timeline, etc.

But as far as I understand, the limit is the Blocs API. Is that correct ?

An advanced Portfolio, with filtering options.
That would be awesome !

It’s possible with Tab Anything, I used it on my company website (too old now to show :joy:), but heavy to have a display ALL for projects.

+1 :raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed:
With a selection of some effects, easy full-screeen HW in bric (headers…).
:pray: :sparkles:

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I know some people are working on this and also something similar.

I am using code on a website now for something this would have been perfect for !..it will happen!


Very good news :hugs: